"ls -s |more" - list directory with sizes
"finger" - list active users
"du -h" - disk usage, directories sizes h-human readable
"df -h" - disk free
"grep" - filter output (global regular expression print)
"someCommand &>filename.out" - redirection of both outputs to file - "&>"
"ps aux |less" - list processes
"kill intId" - kill process with given id
"killall name" - kill process named ~name
"sudo command" - run command as super user
"ifconfig" - network interface data
"ifdown eth0" - network interface DOWN
"ifup eth0" - network interface UP
"/etc/init.d/networking restart" - networking restart
"lsmod, insmod, modprobe, rmmod" - device drivers list, insert, remove
"apt-get install packagename" - install package
"apt-get remove packagename" - remove package
"pppoeconf, pon dsl-provider, poff dsl-provider, plog" - ppp connection related commands
"uname -r" - returns kernel version
"find startFolder -name 'searchString'" - finding files named searchString
"ed, nano, pico, vi, gedit" - possible editors on the system
"dd if=srcPath of=dstpath bs=bytesPerTransfer" - disk copy
"tar xzvf packedFile.tar.gz" - unpack .tar.gz archive